Note about upcoming podcast episodes

While I'm in Nepal, my podcasts will be automatically uploaded to my website. Because of a glitch in the system, that I can't do a thing about, each podcast will contain a bunch of text, which will be printed with every episode. Please excuse the redundancy! For the duration of my trip, the extra text will accompany every episode. I promise that I will make the site pretty again once I return. Thanks for listening!!

Just a few more days...

My gear is scattered all over my office and it's now time to pack and double-check all of my lists.

I'll be flying to Kathmandu this coming Friday, Halloween, to start my Nepal adventure!! I'm planning on posting audio podcasts every few days from Nepal. You can subscribe to this blog by clicking on the RSS icons at right. My first podcast is below this post.

I've posted some misc. hiking photos, as well as a collection of texture photos from my last six months of hiking . Thanks for stopping by! I'll be posting lots of pictures from Nepal in early December, please stay tuned!

Bamboo in Hawaii

Salt flats, Badwater Basin, Death Valley, CA

Marble Canyon, Death Valley, CA

Marble Canyon, Death Valley, CA

Death Valley, CA

Cactus Bloom, Red Rock Canyon, NV

Cactus Bloom, Valley of Fire, NV

Valley of Fire, NV

Valley of Fire, NV

Petroglyphs, Valley of Fire, NV

Beautiful rock, Ice Lake, Colorado

South Loop Trail, Mount Charleston, NV

South Loop Trail, Mount Charleston, NV

South Loop Trail, Mount Charleston, NV

South Loop Trail, Mount Charleston, NV

Snowing on North Loop Trail, Mount Charleston, NV

Fletcher Peak, (10,319 feet) Spring Mountains, NV
This is the 6th highest peak in Southern NV.

Interesting carving at Calico Basin, Red Rock Canyon, NV

The seemingly never-ending switchbacks to Mount Charleston, NV

Mount Charleston, (11,918 feet) NV
Charleston peak is the highest of the Spring Mountains and the 8th highest peak in the state.
